Συμπληρώστε τα στοιχεια σας και ενας αντίπροσωπος του νοσοκομείου θα επικοινωνήσει μαζί σας εντός 48 ωρών για να σας προσφέρει επιλογές σχετικά με το αίτημα σας. Οι ασθενείς δεν χρειάζονται παραπεμπτικό για τον Προσωπικό Ιατρό.
Συμπληρώστε τα στοιχεια σας και ενας αντίπροσωπος του νοσοκομείου θα επικοινωνήσει μαζί σας εντός 48 ωρών για να σας προσφέρει επιλογές σχετικά με το αίτημα σας. Οι ασθενείς που ζητούν ραντεβού πρέπει να έχουν παραπομπή από τον προσωπικό τους γιατρό.
Προσωπικός Ιατρός
Dr Jacqueline Savva completed her studies in the United Kingdom, where she graduated from the University of Leeds. She graduated with a first-class honours degree in Biochemistry and Genetics followed by a PhD in Genetics of Cardiovascular Disease funded by a scholarship provided by the Medical Research Council. She then went on to study Medicine whilst also teaching undergraduate students, joining the General Medical Council in 2012. She spent her foundation and specialisation years training in hospitals and GP practices around West Yorkshire. During this time, she continued to be involved in undergraduate medical education, completed a Postgraduate Certificate in Health Research, Child Protection Course and the Advanced Life Support Course. She completed multiple clinical audits during her training, presented her research at conferences and published this in peer reviewed scientific journals. She obtained her CCT in 2019 and became a member of the Royal College of General Practitioners, UK. She has since worked as a General Practitioner in the UK and in Cyprus.
2000-2003 – BSc (Hons) in Biochemistry and Genetics: First class
2003-2007 – PhD Cardiovascular Research
2007-2012 – MBChB
2012-2014 – Foundation Years – rotations in Emergency Medicine, General Surgery, Respiratory Medicine, Neurology/Stroke Medicine and Cardiovascular Surgery
2014-Postgraduate Certificate in Health Research
2014-2016 – Locum Doctor
2016-2019 – GP training – rotations in General Practice, Emergency Medicine, Paediatrics/Neonatology and Elderly Medicine
2019-To date – General Practitioner