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The Gastroenterology Department employs Gastroenterologists and Nurses.

Department activities:

Twice per week, an Outpatient Gastroenterology Clinic is held, where patients can be referred for examination for various conditions and/or scheduling endoscopic or other examinations. Hepatology Outpatient Clinic is also held once a week.

Upper and lower gastrointestinal endoscopies are performed daily in 2 rooms. The procedures include both diagnostic and invasive endoscopies such as biopsies, endoscopic removal of polyps (polypectomy), stenosis dilation, oesophageal varices ligation, PEG placement and replacement stents, lesions tattoo, haemostasis in gastrointestinal bleeding with placement of haemostatic Clips or by submucosal infusion of adrenaline solution or other substances and removal of foreign bodies from the digestive tract, etc.

ERCP (Endoscopic Relapsing Cholangio-Pancreatography) examinations take place four times per week in the operations room. The procedure is used for both diagnostic purposes by imaging and collection of material for biopsy but also interventions such as gallbladder gallstones removal, pores dilatation, stents placement in the bile and pancreatic ducts in benign and malignant strictures in order to decongest the bile flow.

The emergency room and the operating room are operational also outside of working hours to accommodate urgent endoscopies to treat gastrointestinal bleeding, foreign body removal or other emergencies. In addition, the Head of the Department participates in various committees such as the ad hoc Committee for the approval of medicines, in Medical Councils for service procurement from the Private Sector, as well as in Committees for equipment and consumables procurement needed for the department’s smooth operation.