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Pediatric Respiratory Medicine
Dr. Yiallouros is Professor of Pediatrics and Pediatric Pulmonology at the Medical School of the University of Cyprus since 2016 and directs the Laboratory of Respiratory Physiology of the School (
He studied Medicine at the University of Athens with scholarships from the Hellenic State Scholarships Foundation (IKY) and the “Anastasios G. Leventis” Foundation and was trained in general pediatrics at Aglaia Kyriacou Children’s Hospital in Athens and Pediatric Pulmonology at St Thomas Hospital and Great Ormond Street Children’s Hospital in London.
In 1997 he joined the Pediatric Clinic at the Tertiary Hospital for Mother and Child “Arch Makarios III” in Nicosia and founded the Pediatric Pulmonary Unit which he headed for 18 years until 2015. From 2005 to 2015 he served as Adjunct Faculty and Head of the research programme “Respiratory Diseases & The Environment ”at the Cyprus International Institute for Environmental and Public Health, established by agreement between the Government of Cyprus and Harvard University.
In the last 12 years, Professor Yiallouros has won ten competitive research funds (European Union FP7, LIFE +, Cyprus Research Promotion Foundation twice, International and other Local grants) bringing in external funding in excess of three million euros. In eight of these donations he was the Scientist-in-charge or Head of Work Package.
Professor Yiallouros’s research work has resulted in 100 publications on PubMed to date, and he has achieved international recognition. With over 13,000 citations in the literature (h-index: 38), his work has been published in international journals with a total impact factor (IF): 600, while he is also a member of the Editorial Board of BMC Pulmonary Medicine.
1986 – 1988: Resident Pediatrics, General Hospital, Larissa (24 months), Greece.
1988 – 1990: Resident Pediatrics, Children’s Hospital ”Aglaia Kyriakou “, Athens, Greece. (
1991 24 months) – 1993: Research Fellow, Paediatric Respiratory Unit, St. Thomas’ & Guy’s Hospitals, London, UK (28 months)
1993 – 1994: Clinical Fellow, Paediatric Respiratory Unit, Hospitals for Sick Children, Great Ormond Street, (8 months) London, UK.
10 / 1994 – 11/1997: Special pediatrician / Pediatric Respiratory Medicine, Pediatrics, General Hospital, Limassol Cyprus.
12/1997 – 8/2015: Pediatric Pulmonologist, Head of Pediatric Respiratory Unit Hospital ‘Archbishop Makarios III ”, Nicosia, Cyprus.
1/2010 – 8/2015: Assistant Director of the Pediatric Hospital, ” Archbishop Makarios III ‘, Nicosia, Cyprus.
9/2015 – 3/2016: Pediatric Pulmonologist, American Medical Centre, Nicosia, Cyprus.
9/2017 – present: Pediatrician- Pediatric Pulmonology, Pediatric Hospital, ” Archbishop Makarios III ‘, Nicosia, Cyprus.