Our vision is to promote mental health for all ages in an equal way, by providing quality mental health services. Our main strategic goals are the prevention of mental health problems and the promotion of high quality mental health services in the fields of diagnostic evaluation, therapeutic interventions and actions aimed at rehabilitation.
Regarding the first goal, the Directorate of Mental Health Services, in cooperation with the Management of SHSO and the other Directorates of the State Health Services Organisation, the Ministry of Health, other Ministries and Services, NGOs and organised bodies, implements policies and develops actions and programmes that promote prevention, with an emphasis on children and adolescents.
The Directorate of Mental Health Services second goal is to organise and operate services and structures according to the needs of the population, the widely accepted scientific developments in the field of mental health and the guidelines of relevant international organisations, with the prospect of upgrading and modernising them, as well as continuous staff training.
The key principles governing the operation of the Directorate of Mental Health Services are the improvement in accessibility, the provision of a complete range of services, the coordination and continuity in healthcare, the adequate efficiency and effectiveness of services and interventions, the equality in providing care based on the needs of patients and respect for human rights.
The Directorate of Mental Health Services